Monday, June 1, 2009


So last week a note came home with Caden. His teacher is trying to find homes for her class pets: gold fish and a hermit crab. Caden told me he would really like to have a hermit crab. So I check the box thinking that most likely she will draw names and Caden will not get it and i will not need to worry about the care ( or pinches!!). Well the next day Caden is walking out of his class with a VERY proud face, holding the hermit crab aka "CRABBY" house. He was SO happy. Well over the weekend we realized that the habitat was to small, that they like sand, and they really do not like to live alone. So Cam took Rylie to the pet store and let her pick out her own crab, which she proudly named "Fluffy". Then Cam took Caden when he got off school and got sand, rocks and better food for Crabby. The kids where so excited about their new pets. Hermit crabs are very simple to take care of, and they only pinch if they feel threaten..... still doesn't stop me from freaking out when the claws are out!!

meet "Crabby" the big one and "Fluffy" the small shy one

Do you notice how neither of the kids are holding them?? they are afraid of the claw.... notice how I am holding the small one, the one in the shell?? I am afraid of the claw too!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Memorial day and Mom's Day

Last week we had two parties to go too. On Sunday we went to Jays house for a BBQ, Cam was sick that day so I was there with the kids, the weather was really mild so I thought it was to cool for water play.. that did not go over well with the kidlets. So after a lot of pleading and begging I caved and Jay got out the sprinklers......

Lily loved running to the sprinklers.....but this is what happened when she got to them.. she would cry and run to me..I would pick her up in a towel, then she would get down and do it all over again!

The kids had a lot of fun, Kara's friend Dana came and brought her son Vincent. He is a sweet smart 2 1/2 year old who Rylie kept calling "hey kid!" or that boy. when she finally learned his name, she called him "Bimcent"

The next party we went to was at the Underwoods. It was mom's Birthday. we had pizza and we were going to go swimming. Cam again was still sick so I took the kids. right before we went to go in the pool I was talking to my mom about Caden and the strange sores he had on his finger and face, Kim U and my mom both agreed that it looked like Impetigo, a contagious infection. So Caden and I left the fun party and I took him to the doctors. Sure enough it was, Lucky we got back just in time for Cake and Ice cream!! Sadly I don't have many pictures...

The kids all wanted a good look at the cake.

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blog blog bog

Okay here is my first blog!! Hope it goes well. Not much to report, just that Caden and I are counting down the days until summer.. only 11 more days!! Caden is almost done with first grade!! I can not believe it!! Tomorrow is our May day festival at school, I will take some pictures and post!!! Rylie is gearing up for Kindergarten!! She talks about it all day with Cameron, she is super excited to go to "Caden's and mommies school". I can not believe how big the kids are getting!!! wow. time sure does fly!